Magic In The Madness

Growth In Your 20s

March 07, 2023 Andrea Sarmiento Episode 1

Episode 1 | Welcome to Magic in the Madness with your host Andrea Sarmiento. Thank you so much for tuning in to my first official podcast episode. This week I dive deep into growth in your 20s with a focus on the early 20s and adulting in general. I discuss why I believe that we should feel less afraid of getting older and more excited. As a 25-year-old, I now have my early 20s under my belt and I wanted to share some comforting thoughts for those who may be feeling confused, uncertain, and/or scared of their future. Take a deep breath and listen to the show! After listening, I hope you are able to take some pressure off of yourself and let life do its thing. You are seen and you are heard.

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Quote by Erma Bombeck:
Thick and Thin Podcast Episode: